Gene therapy restores hearing in deaf children
image: @Kemal Yildirim | iSock A gene therapy has successfully restored hearing in five children with inherited deafness This world-first...
image: @Kemal Yildirim | iSock A gene therapy has successfully restored hearing in five children with inherited deafness This world-first...
A novel gene therapy designed to target a form of inherited deafness restored hearing function in five children who were...
If you’re concerned about the rise of short-sightedness in Aussie kids, cautious about the impact of Australia’s harsh climate on...
Recommended Content: Vision Center of ExcellenceVision and Hearing Loss PreventionChildrens Health Myopia, otherwise...
Over the last few years, the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 has evolved in an effort to try and get...
A child undergoes a hearing test at a Sense-Screening Storytime at Omaha (Neb.) Public Library’s Swanson branch. Photo: Omaha (Neb.)...